Eighth Anniversary of the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC) | The Lancang-Mekong Countries Badminton Friendship Match Held Grandly in Phnom Penh


Phnom Penh, Cambodia,On March 19th-the Ambassador of China to Cambodia, Wang Wentian, and the Secretary of State of the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Meas Kim Heng, along with ambassadors or representatives from Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos to Cambodia, jointly attended the “Lancang-Mekong Countries Badminton Friendship Match.” Officials from the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, representatives of the Cambodian Youth Union, diplomats from the Lancang-Mekong countries in Cambodia, and over 200 others participated in the event.

This event is one of a series of “Lancang-Mekong Week” activities held to celebrate the eighth anniversary of the establishment of the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation framework. Meas Kim Heng, Secretary of State of the Cambodian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, highly praised China’s positive contributions to promoting Lancang-Mekong cooperation, enhancing regional peace, prosperity, and development in his speech at the event. He mentioned that over the past 8 years, through the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Special Fund, China has supported the implementation of over 700 projects, bringing tangible benefits to the socio-economic development of the Lancang-Mekong basin countries. He looks forward to the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation further accelerating the construction of the economic development belt in the Lancang-Mekong basin through synergy and complementarity with the Belt and Road Initiative, the Global Development Initiative, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement, and the New International Land-Sea Trade Corridor.

Representatives of the relevant countries unanimously believe that the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation has achieved remarkable results and played an important role in promoting sub-regional economic development and improving the livelihood of the Mekong River countries. They expressed their desire to work together with China to further enhance friendly solidarity and achieve common development through the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation platform.

In an interview with INNEWS, ING Sophea, Deputy Chief of Bureau of the Mekong Cooperation Department, emphasized the importance of the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation framework and stated that since its establishment in 2016, this cooperation framework has greatly promoted economic development and cooperation within the region. Hosting such friendship matches not only deepens mutual understanding and friendship among the countries but also lays a solid foundation for future cooperation.

The badminton match was not only a competitive experience but also an opportunity for cultural exchange and emotional connection. The young diplomats from the six Lancang-Mekong countries, through the match, exchanged skills and emotions, creating a friendly and warm atmosphere on-site, reflecting the unique role of sports activities in enhancing international friendship and cooperation.