Cambodia’s Tourism Reputation Reversed Increased Chinese Tourists During National Day Holiday


With the arrival of China’s National Day holiday, Cambodia’s tourism industry has once again surged, attracting a significant influx of Chinese tourists. So, what is the real travel experience like in Cambodia?

Firsthand Experience from Travel Bloggers: Cambodia is Not as Dangerous as Rumored

Recently, the Chinese social media platform Xiaohongshu has sparked a trend of Cambodian tourism, with many Chinese travel bloggers listing Cambodia as their top travel destination.

One travel blogger pointed out, “Many people hear various safety rumors before visiting Cambodia. However, after personally exploring the country, travel bloggers have found that Cambodia is not as dangerous as the rumors make it out to be.” Several bloggers unanimously agree that while there are certain places in Cambodia that require caution, overall, it remains a highly worthwhile travel destination. One blogger even mentioned that compared to the past, Cambodia’s visa-on-arrival process has become more streamlined and convenient.

Observations from Tour Guides: Noticeable Increase in Tourists

China’s National Day holiday has brought significant opportunities to Cambodia’s tourism industry. Chinese-speaking guide Ah Ming, interviewed by INNews, reported a noticeable increase in the number of Chinese tourists visiting Siem Reap since October 1st.

Ah Ming told reporters that in addition to the famous Angkor Wat temple complex, many Chinese tourists also enjoy visiting historical landmarks, zoos, and unique artificial attractions, enriching their travel experiences. Cambodia’s breathtaking scenery and rich cultural history have attracted more and more Chinese tourists to explore this mysterious and enchanting country.

Beautiful Scenery and Rich Culture Attract Chinese Tourists

With the resurgence of Cambodia’s tourism industry, an increasing number of Chinese tourists are drawn to this mysterious and enchanting country. The stunning natural landscapes and rich cultural history keep Chinese tourists captivated.

According to the “August 2023 Tourism Statistics Report” released by the Cambodian Ministry of Tourism, the number of Chinese visitors to Cambodia from January to August this year was approximately 360,000, with around 260,000 being business travelers and approximately 96,000 being tourists. While this number falls just short of 100,000, it clearly demonstrates the enduring enthusiasm of Chinese tourists for Cambodia.

Previously, the Cambodian Ministry of Tourism had aimed to welcome 1 million Chinese tourists this year. Although they did not achieve this target, the number of Chinese visitors to Cambodia in August reached around 46,000, with approximately 32,000 being business travelers and 14,000 being tourists.

In a press release issued on October 2nd, Cambodia’s state-owned enterprise, Angkor Enterprise, reported that the Angkor Archaeological Park in Cambodia received 539,561 foreign visitors from January to September this year, a 302% increase compared to the previous year. The Cambodian Ministry of Tourism expects even more international tourists to visit the area once the Siem Reap Angkor International Airport, constructed by Chinese companies, becomes operational.